This pose was heavily inspired by Hasbro’s mold first seen on Cherries Jubilee and Tootsie. It is a little bit smaller than the Hasbro version. This body has been paired with various head types, and the body has been further modified to include pegasus wings (paired with a unicorn head).
A note on grouping these as Gi-Go – this is my best estimation, based on the visual and tactile similarities in manufacture. Gi-Go makes their own brand called Wonder Pony Land, and they are sometimes named as the manufacturer behind store brands like Kid Connection at Walmart and Play Right at Walgreen’s. I believe that the majority of these share a common origin point. But since they aren’t marked and many have come to me second-hand, I can’t know for certain.
There appears to be some sort of relationship between Simba and Gi-Go. Simba’s Tootsie body (used for Dreamland series and others) is copied exactly on Gi-Go ponies (exact same hoof markings), and Simba symbols are reused on Gi-Go. Gi-Go also makes dolls, and these can be marked Simba on the head mold and Gi-Go on the sewn-in body tag. (Source: eBay listings.)
The Tootsie pose was also used for the 1990’s Talk to Me Pony from Buddy L/SLM, but the hoof markings on the Buddy L/SLM are different from the Simba and Gi-Go Tootsie-style pose. From the examples I have seen, Simba and Gi-Go are virtually identical (“MADE IN” on slightly raised rectangle above CHINA); Buddy L talking pony has MADE IN CHINA spread out with one word on each hoof. Simba, in turn, copied the Buddy L design for a talking pony of their own, and a few other styles (see pictures here).
The majority of the ponies in my collection are modern release, post-2000. I believe most are Gi-Go (or a store brand made by Gi-Go) unless otherwise stated.
This pose has also been found marked on the belly “Manley 2003”. There are other versions that are unmarked but feel like different quality than Gi-Go, so I’ve given them their own page.
Usually they are a part of “family packs” along with the walking teen and various babies. Gi-Go Toys seems to be the manufacturer of many of these sets. They are sometimes credited on store brand packaging for retailers including Walgreens (Play Right), Wal-mart (Kid Connection), and Toys R Us. If not sold under a store label, these ponies are often sold as Wonder Pony Land. In the UK, they may be found under the brand name Chad Valley.
Some 1990s-era cards:
This page is further broken down into these categories:
Magic Pony unipegs
Bridle (painted bridle)
Bridle (unpainted bridle, painted hooves)
Bridle (unpainted bridle)
Unicorn (inset eyes)
Long Head, CPK-style (inset eyes)
Long Head, CPK-style (inset eyes, painted hooves)
Short Head
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