mall |
Polly |
light pink, white, and black dress |
light blue and white top |
light blue and white skirt |
light pink, pink, and white top |
light pink, pink, and white skirt |
white, light pink, and light blue top |
white and cream pants |
cream, light pink, and white pants |
light pink pair of shoes |
light pink pair of shoes |
light blue pair of shoes |
white pair of shoes |
light blue pair of boots |
white pair of boots |
blonde wig |
silver pizza pan |
silver muffin tray |
silver tray |
orange tray x2 |
red mirror |
lavender ball |
lavender basket |
silver bottle |
red and white brush |
silver cash register x4 |
pink cardboard card w/ lips |
green cardboard card w/ shoe |
blue cardboard card w/ shirt |
yellow cardboard card w/ hamburger |
purple cardboard shopping bag |
pink cardboard shopping bag |
horizontal red clothing hanger x2 |
vertical green clothing hanger x2 |
red mannequin |
yellow, blue, and orange photo booth |
blue, red, and silver food counter |
red, orange, and blue table with chairs |
red and silver chair |
escalator |

(click to enlarge) |
orange food mold |
yellow purse mold |
red purse handle x2 |
orange purse handle x2 |
red and orange counter/wig mold |
blonde and light pink wig for hair mold |
pink and white wig for hair mold |
purple and white wig for hair mold |
blue and yellow wig for hair mold |
red mannequin head for hair mold |
orange mannequin head for hair mold |
orange glitter box |
pink and white bottle of glitter |
wedges of yellow, pink, blue, and purple
clay in two containers |
silver clay utensil |
mall sign |
green and pink cardboard rug |
white, yellow, and pink cardboard flower rug |
cardboard white and blue tiled floor |
cardboard woon panelled floor |
eight photo stickers |
sheet of stickers with three sundaes, four hamburgers,
four slices of pizza, three cartons of french fries,
six cookies, four bottles of juice, and five pretzels |