Styles-to-Go: Jewels Purse with Polly

Product #29393
Note: There were two color variants on this set; both are covered below. Pieces marked with a * are ones that were changed.

(click to enlarge)
pink, black, and white dress
*blue and white pants
pink, black, and blue top
pink, black, blue, and white skirt
*purple, white, and black cape
black pair of boots
*purple and black purse




(click to enlarge)
pink, black, and white dress
*purple and white pants
(picture from Rute Coradinho)
pink, black, and blue top
pink, black, blue, and white skirt
*blue, white, and black cape
(picture from Rute Coradinho)
black pair of boots
*blue and black purse
(picture from Rute Coradinho)