Sparklin’ Pets: Duets: Dog 48/Monkey 49
Product #M6588 cream and brown dog #48 with aqua collar lavender monkey #49 with pink collar pink outfit aqua outfit
Product #M6588 cream and brown dog #48 with aqua collar lavender monkey #49 with pink collar pink outfit aqua outfit
Product #M6589 white dog #50 with pink collar gold lion #51 with green collar pink and white outfit aqua and white outfit
Product #M6590 black and white dog #52 with pink collar tan deer #53 with green collar pink outfit lavender and black outfit
Product #M9120 black and white dog #64 with lavender collar orange squirrel #65 with lavender collar purple and pink outfit green and blue…
Product #M9121 aqua seal #66 with purple collar calico cat #67 with aqua collar (with lavender skirt) pink and lavender outfit
Product #M9139 periwinkle and white penguin #68 with pink collar brown dog #69 with pink collar aqua and pink outfit aqua and…
Product #M9140 aqua and lavender peacock #70 with magenta collar (with pink scarf) lavender lamb #71 with magenta collar (with pink skirt)
Product #M9141 tan sea otter #72 with pink collar gray koala #73 with green collar periwinkle and light pink skirt teal and…
Product #M0294 blue, purple, pink, green, and orange house Polly white kitty green dress pink dress purple coat purple top green top purple…
Product #M3733 Note: Some packages came with a bonus Pop ‘n Swap sample Polly doll (N6519). Shop on eBay Polly Lila Lea Rick…