Compact Chicks: Lila
Product #H2542 Lila light pink and white dress white pair of shoes light pink and white purse blue stand blue compact
Product #H2542 Lila light pink and white dress white pair of shoes light pink and white purse blue stand blue compact
Product #H2544 Lucy yellow and orange dress orange pair of shoes yellow and orange purse purple stand purple compact
Product #H2541 Polly lavender and black dress lavender pair of shoes pink and lavender purse pink stand pink compact
Product #H2543 Shani aqua, yellow, and white dress aqua pair of shoes white and aqua purse orange stand orange compact
Product #J1912 Lila orange and yellow dress orange pair of shoes orange and yellow purse light pink and dark pink basket light pink…
Product #J1911 Polly dark pink and peach dress dark pink pair of shoes dark pink and peach purse blue eyeshadow palette blue eyeshadow…
Product #J1913 Shani purple and lavender dress purple pair of shoes purple and lavender purse lavender bottle light pink nail polish bottle white…
Product #J5291 storage bag Polly pink, white, and blue top pink and white skirt pink top orange and pink mermaid tail purple, dark…
Product #H9514 Note: This set was a Target exclusive. light pink convertible Polly orange and white dress orange pair of shoes light…
Product #J9309 aqua car Polly purple and aqua dress aqua and green top pink and green pants aqua pair of shoes pink pair…