G3 Fashion Style Pegasus Fakies – Large 8″
I have found two of these, one in blue and one in purple. They both have the same yellow and pink hair with…
I have found two of these, one in blue and one in purple. They both have the same yellow and pink hair with…
Pink w/ Butterfly Symbol: Orange/Pink w/ Butterfly Symbol: Pop Stars: Note similar designs, but alternate eye makeup colors:
White: Yellow: Orange: Red: Pink: Purple: Blue: Green: Translucent: Long face:
PVC mini figure: I don’t know if this is related to Barbie at all. It is marked Mattel 1998 and is about 1″…
This style of pony has been released under both Funville and Zuru branding. This one is a Zuru-branded “Fairy Princess” doll with unipeg: