Fakie Pony – Pink w/ Molded Collar, Raised Flower/Hearts Symbol, 5″ Tall
An interesting pose – her torso is long and her head is a bit small for the body. She has a raised and…
An interesting pose – her torso is long and her head is a bit small for the body. She has a raised and…
This is a straight-up copy of the G2 Morning Glory pose with Sweetberry’s symbol. Eyes are painted (no jewel). [Collection picture; not for…
These have no markings and I have not found anything out about them. Their bodies are pearly and they have a molded medallion…
These are the ponies that were left over after all the others had been sorted into categories. Pearly: My Lovely Pony: This pony…
I have found two of these, one in blue and one in purple. They both have the same yellow and pink hair with…
Pink w/ Butterfly Symbol: Orange/Pink w/ Butterfly Symbol: Pop Stars: Note similar designs, but alternate eye makeup colors:
White: Yellow: Orange: Red: Pink: Purple: Blue: Green: Translucent: Long face: