Category: Gi-Go – Babies, asst.
Gi-Go Mold 5-14-B1
This Gi-Go baby is about 3″ tall. (left: orange mane and red tail; right: red mane and tail)
Gi-Go Mold 5-10-B2
This baby pony is 3″ tall and marked 5-10-B2 on one back hoof. It is a slightly larger size of 5-12-B3 and 5-12-B4.
Fakie Mold 5-10-B1
This is a fakie version of the Gi-Go 5-10-B1. 3″ tall and marked CE and MADE IN CHINA on front two hooves. Unicorn,…
Gi-Go Rearing Baby
This is smaller than the rearing unipeg baby, only 2.5″ tall. There are no hoof markings.
Gi-Go Ballerina Babies
I suspect that these are Gi-Go versions of Simba’s Ballerina-Pony babies. Note that the trim around the legs is not painted. They are…
Gi-Go Lady Baby
This pose has its origins in Simba’s Lady-Pony and baby, which were sets of a Sweetheart Sister-type fakie paired with this new mold….