Category: G4 Fakies
5.5″ Rarity Head on G3.5 Body, Electronic
No traditional symbol, but holes poked in the side shaped like a heart:
7″ Princess Fakie
This is a 7″ tall fakie G4 princess-style pony with molded collar and crown. She came packaged in a resealable bag labeled “My…
My Lovely Horse Fashion Style Gift Series
Click images to enlarge. 8″ tall: 5.5″ tall: Accessories: In package:
Ursula the Light-up Unicorn – G4 Princess Fakie by A to Z
purple mirror purple comb pink scissors pink butterfly tiara pink mirror purple teapot purple saucer purple teacup
Sitting G4 Fakie
This is the first time I’ve seen this sitting pose. Roughly G4 style; maybe she hangs out with Concerned Pony and her crew….