Polly (purple/gold/aqua halter dress)
Polly (purple panties) purple/gold/aqua dress gold and purple necklace aqua shoes
Polly (purple panties) purple/gold/aqua dress gold and purple necklace aqua shoes
Bella (purple panties) white and black striped shirt with pink/purple owl white skirt neon pink and blue boots
Margot (purple panties) white shirt with red/purple hibiscus flowers and green leaves pink shorts gold shoes
Shani (purple panties) white/black/aqua/yellow/pink shirt with cat aqua skirt yellow shoes white and aqua glasses
Polly (purple panties) magenta, white, and black shirt with ringed planet purple shorts gold and purple necklace lime green shoes
Polly (pink 2-piece underwear, white cross on chest) light blue wrap/skirt with white anchor dark pink sunglasses gold and purple necklace white…
County Fair Collection: Over the Rainbow Love Me Tender I Just Called To Say I Love You