Lovely Horse by Osboo

Imported by Deals Incorporated LTD (DIL). Package shows variety of styles of generic pony clip art. Includes one large “princess” type, a smaller…

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Colorforms (G1-style Reproduction)

Vintage-style ponies in new Colorforms set! Includes sticker clings of classic characters like Sugarberry, Starshine, Powder, Snuzzle, and Milky Way. Copyright 2020 Throwback…

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4 3/4″ G4 Fakies

These may have symbol on one side or no symbol (on either side). The first three were sold with a set of Mane…

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4 1/4″ Mane 6 Fakies

I have found these with symbol (on one side) or no symbol (either side). They came packaged in a circular vinyl bag sectioned…

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