1.75″ Pearly Unicorns
These keep popping up in pony lots, but I haven’t found what they are from yet.
These keep popping up in pony lots, but I haven’t found what they are from yet.
This collection of non-pony pets may have influence from Remco Pretty Pets (cat & dog), Little Pretty, and/or Lady LovelyLocks. See flyer picture…
It was the end of the work day on Friday, and the three clinic employees were in the administrative area finishing up various…
This is a knockoff version of ML-19-B1 (minus wings; I haven’t found one by Gi-Go with an earth pony body, but it may…
This is a winged body, 6.5″ tall. Click images to enlarge. There is also a fakie version.
This is a fakie version of the Gi-Go 5-10-B1. 3″ tall and marked CE and MADE IN CHINA on front two hooves. Unicorn,…
Wang’s International Flocked 1 5/8″ Mini Ponies. I came across these on eBay. They came in their original packaging, a baggie with card…
This mold is 4.5″ tall with skinny legs in proportion to body. Marked CHINA on front hoof. There is a molded forelock painted…
This is a fakie version of Lanard’s “Groovy Tie Dye Color & Play Pony“. It is just marked MADE IN CHINA on belly…