Polly Holiday with Polly

Product #56839

Note: This set was a Target exclusive.

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pink and light pink dress with glitter
red, white, and black dress
red and white dress
blue and silver top with glitter
blue and silver skirt with glitter
green and white top
green, white, and silver pants
purple and silver top with glitter
short purple and silver pants with glitter
purple and silver skirt with glitter
pink and light pink shawl with glitter
pink pair of shoes
green pair of shoes
blue and silver pair of shoes with glitter
purple pair of shoes with glitter
red and black pair of boots
pink and light pink purse
red and white purse
cardboard snowman and stand
roll of stickers (two red and green mittens,
three black buttons, three red buttons,
three pink buttons, three green buttons,
two holly leaves, one carrot, eight small
black buttons, and two poinsettias)