Day to Night: Polly

Product #50575

Note: There were two color variants on this set; both are covered below. Pieces marked with a * are ones that were changed.

*aqua and pink dress
pink and white dress
blue and green dress
blue and green jacket
yellow and pink jacket
yellow and pink pants
lavender and pink top
lavender and pink skirt
blue and white top
blue and white skirt
aqua boa
yellow pair of shoes
blue and green pair of shoes
pink pair of shoes
aqua pair of boots
lavender pair of boots
yellow purse
lavender purse
aqua bag
pink and blue cardboard teddy bear
orange cardboard kitten
purple and yellow cardboard gift
green cardboard cell phone
pink cardboard picture frame




*aqua and pink dress
pink and white dress
blue and green dress
blue and green jacket
yellow and pink jacket
yellow and pink pants
lavender and pink top
lavender and pink skirt
blue and white top
blue and white skirt
aqua boa
yellow pair of shoes
blue and green pair of shoes
pink pair of shoes
aqua pair of boots
lavender pair of boots
yellow purse
lavender purse
aqua bag
pink and blue cardboard teddy bear
orange cardboard kitten
purple and yellow cardboard gift
green cardboard cell phone
pink cardboard picture frame