Profiles: R

Name: Racer, Baby
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Medley's nephew
Noteworthy Appearances: A Fair Exchange | The Haunted Shop | Dungeons & Ponies

Name: Radiant Rose
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Mulberry Pie's wife; Bramble, Smudge, and Trellis' mother
Noteworthy Appearances: From This Day Forward

Name: Radon, Ms.
Occupation: Science Teacher
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:

Name: Rainbow
Place of Residence: Binksville
Noteable Relationships: Decagon and Paisley Pinafore's daughter; Lighthouse's sister
Noteworthy Appearances: Home Sweet Vulcanopolis

Name: Rainbow Heart
Occupation: Student
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Lovelace's daughter; Precious' owner
Noteworthy Appearances: Cocklebur

Name: Rainbow Star
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships: Pepper's wife; Tasha, Freckles, and Palette's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: Two Roads Diverged | Mother’s Day | Blind Rage | Autumnal Episode

Name: Rambler
Occupation: Pony-Mart Employee
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Anchor and Sails |

Name: Ramone
Occupation: Rat Bard
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Brightblade Warpony

Name: Ramrod
Occupation: ex-Greymare employee
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Affairs of the Heart |

Name: Randy
Place of Residence: Berryville
Noteable Relationships:
Huckleberry and Scotty's friend
Noteworthy Appearances: Mother’s Day

Name: Raptor
Occupation: Cat
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Sugarberry's cat
Noteworthy Appearances: Raptor Attack | A Fair Exchange | Looking Back | Blind Love

Name: Raptor
Occupation: Sickle Claws Leader
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Victory or Bust |

Name: Rascal
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Romance's friend
Noteworthy Appearances: A New World for Tamara

Name: Raspberry
Place of Residence: Berryville
Noteable Relationships: Strawberry Baskets and Strawberry Shortcake's daughter; Gooseberry and Sugarberry's sister; Driftwood's wife; Custard and Cream's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: The Wedding | For Your Consideration... | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2000 | Hometown Ambrosia | From This Day Forward | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2001 | Mother’s Day | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002

Name: Raven
Occupation: Regent
Place of Residence: Isle of the Green Lake
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Homecoming | Victory! | Dark Night Enchantment | The Royal Wedding | History | Royalty

Name: Raven
Place of Residence: Bushley
Noteable Relationships: Flower Drift's husband; Candytuft and Allium's father
Noteworthy Appearances: Letters | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2001 | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002

Name: Raymond
Place of Residence: Forest Brook
Noteable Relationships:
Reginald and Helga's son; Garrick, Dietrich, Devonne, and Lindsey's brother; Priscilla's husband; Sapphire, Topaz, Sardonyx, Amethyst, and Emerald's father
Noteworthy Appearances:

Name: Rebel
Occupation: Raccoon
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Stripes and Princess' son; Satin and Bumble's brother
Noteworthy Appearances: A Friend In Need

Name: Red Fox
Occupation: Native Pony Craft Supplier
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
A New Wind a Blowin’ Part 3 | Affairs of the Heart |

Name: Red Rocket
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Strawberries n' Cream's husband; Cherry Delight, Peach Cobbler, Mulberry Pie, Apricot Turnover, and Strawberry Shortcake's father
Noteworthy Appearances: From This Day Forward

Name: Reef
Place of Residence: Sunset Island
Noteable Relationships:
Jovial and Lattice's son
Noteworthy Appearances: Reverie’s Journal

Name: Reeka
Occupation: Witch
Place of Residence: Volcano of Gloom
Noteable Relationships:
Hydia's daughter; Draggle's sister
Noteworthy Appearances: Tabby’s New Pet

Name: Reginald
Occupation: Publishing House Head
Place of Residence: Forest Brook
Noteable Relationships: Helga's husband; Garrick, Raymond, Dietrich, Devonne, and Lindsey's father
Noteworthy Appearances: In Memorial | The Wedding | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2001

Name: Regis
Occupation: Doctor
Place of Residence: Berryville
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Christmas in Dream Valley, 2001

Name: Rembrandt
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Windflower's husband; Floral Breeze, Velvet, and Tribute's father
Noteworthy Appearances: From This Day Forward

Name: Renny
Place of Residence: Forest Brook
Noteable Relationships: Of
Macarius' generation
Noteworthy Appearances: The Flute |

Name: Renzo
Occupation: Shady Character
Place of Residence: Vulcanopolis
Noteable Relationships:
Zaverio's henchman
Noteworthy Appearances: Shattered Trust | For Better or For Worse

Name: Reverie
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships: Sunray's wife; Wish and Sandstone's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: Reverie’s Journal

Name: Rex
Occupation: Turkey
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Nestor's mate; Little Turk, Titian, Tingle, Tidbit, Tickler, and Tinker's father
Noteworthy Appearances: The Trouble with Turkeys | Turkey Time Again | Punk Poult

Name: Ribbon
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Wigwam's old girlfriend
Noteworthy Appearances: The Great Apple Festival

Name: Ribbons n' Lace
Place of Residence: New Pony
Noteable Relationships: Andrew's wife; Tribute, Toby, and Tendril's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: Imperceptible Force | Letters | Fallacious Findings | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002 | Fate’s Finale |

Name: Ribbs, Baby
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Magenta Mist's son
Noteworthy Appearances: Tabby’s New Pet

Name: Ricky
Occupation: Raccoon
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Scuttle's raccoon
Noteworthy Appearances: Cocklebur

Name: Ringlet
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Writer’s Block

Name: Rita
Occupation: Head of Household Staff of Guido's villa
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
A Broken Match

Name: Rita
Occupation: Clare's Creations Manufacturing
Place of Residence: Vulcanopolis
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
New Beginnings

Name: Riv
Occupation: Crayfish
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Tabby's pet
Noteworthy Appearances: Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002

Name: Robin
Occupation: Teacher
Place of Residence: Woodlawn
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Girl’s Day Out

Name: Rocky
Occupation: Geology Student
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Red Hot Chili | Christmas in Dream Valley, 1999 | A Wild Time | The Cave | A New Wind a Blowin’ Part One | A New Wind a Blowin’ Part Two

Name: Roland
Occupation: Business Administration Teacher at Pony Pride
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships: Becca's boyfriend
Noteworthy Appearances: Imperceptible Force | Looking Back | Endings | Icon’s Imbroglio Part One | Blind Love

Name: Romance
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships: Tamara's ex-boyfriend
Noteworthy Appearances: A New World for Tamara | The Honorable Decision

Name: Rookie
Place of Residence: Friendship Gardens
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
No Need for Demon Pirates! | Quarterback’s Valentine’s Day

Name: Roper
Occupation: Police Officer
Place of Residence: Bubbling Springs
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
You Can’t Go Home Again

Name: Rosa
Place of Residence: Vulcanopolis
Noteable Relationships: Sandro's wife
Noteworthy Appearances: The Winner Is....

Name: Rosemary
Occupation: Ferret
Place of Residence: Sunset Island
Noteable Relationships:
Reverie's family's pet; Violet, Daffodil, Fern, and Iris' sibling
Noteworthy Appearances: Silver Swirl on Sunset Island

Name: Rosetta
Place of Residence: Forest Brook
Noteable Relationships:
Percival and Lindsey's daughter; Gavril, Morven, Gayle, and Norris' sister
Noteworthy Appearances: New Year’s Eve

Name: Rosie
Occupation: Bushwoolie
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
The Wedding | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002

Name: Rosweld
Occupation: Evil Warlord
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Fireball and Gelatinous' brother
Noteworthy Appearances: The Continuation of the Beginning Part Two | The Continuation of the Beginning Part Three | The Continuation of the Beginning Part Four | The Outrageous Big End-of-Year Story

Name: Rowdy
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:

Name: Royal Blue, Princess
Occupation: Princess
Place of Residence: Dream Valley
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
The Skeleton King Part One | Danger in Dark Forest | Beware the Ides of March | The Cat Show | The Necklace Dilemma | The Story of the Royal Twins | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2000 | Inheritance | Soul-Mates

Name: Ruby
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Charter and Jewel's daughter; Crystal and Peridot's sister
Noteworthy Appearances: From This Day Forward

Name: Ruby
Place of Residence: Sunset Island
Noteable Relationships:
Birch's wife; Truth's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: Reverie’s Journal

Name: Ruffles
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Eddy and Iris' daughter; Gallop, Stormy, Biscuit, and Petal sister; Hawk's wife; Coral Reef, Beachcomber, and Blue Lagoon's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: From This Day Forward | Three’s a Crowd

Name: Running Water
Place of Residence: Dream Valley Countryside
Noteable Relationships:
Sitting Bull's wife; Soaring Eagle, Fallen Rocks, and Babbling Brook's mother
Noteworthy Appearances: Wendigo | Marshmallow |

Name: Rusty
Occupation: Ponyland Postal Service Employee
Place of Residence: Milville
Noteable Relationships:
Noteworthy Appearances:
Lamplight Legacy | Two Roads Diverged | Anchor and Sails |

Name: Ryo
Occupation: Cabbit
Place of Residence:
Noteable Relationships:
Minoko's pet
Noteworthy Appearances: No Need for Demon Pirates! | No Need for Clever Clover! | Christmas in Dream Valley, 2002

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