Polly |
light pink and pink poodle #54 with purple collar |
white and purple cat #55 with aqua collar |
purple and aqua dress |
pink, black, and white dress |
pink and green top |
blue skirt |
purple pair of shoes |
pink pair of shoes |
blue pair of shoes |
aqua bag |
pink bag |
pink, black, and white pet outfit |
blue pet outfit |
purple and aqua pet outfit |
aqua treat bag |
pink food bowl x2 |
green bone x2 |
aqua fish x2 |
transparent green plate w/ cardboard strawberry treat |
transparent green plate w/ cardboard cupcake |
transparent orange glass x2 |
transparent pink crystal bottle |
transparent pink bottle |
green round container |
pink brush |
pink comb |
aqua sponge brush |
transparent purple water basin |
pink towel |
purple and green cushion chair |
purple chair x2 |
pink table |
pink umbrella |
bottle of Bubble Solution |
light pink, purple, aqua, and green spa |