Polly |
Shani |
blue and pink dress |
lavender and blue jacket |
lavender and blue skirt |
dark blue, yellow, and pink top |
dark blue and yellow skirt |
pink top |
pink and aqua skirt |
aqua and pink top |
pink and aqua skirt |
blue and green top |
blue and dark blue pants |
dark blue and blue pants |
dark blue pair of shoes |
pink pair of shoes |
light blue pair of shoes |
light blue pair of shoes |
pink and aqua pair of shoes |
magenta pair of shoes |
yellow pair of boots |
dark blue pair of boots |
pink bag |
blue bag |
horizontal magenta clothing hanger x2 |
horizontal yellow clothing hanger x2 |
vertical blue clothing hanger x2 |
vertical yellow clothing hanger x2 |
magenta clothing form |
magenta clothing hook |
yellow mannequin form/clothing rack |
blue mirror/clothing rack |
magenta and purple "glitterific closet" |
tube of pink glitter |
tube of blue glitter |
tube of silver glitter |
tube of glue |